17th June 2016
Orroroo Hospital
Tania Woolford – Mt View Homes Inc.
Mary Conway Mt View Homes Inc.
Gail Harding – ACQA Board
Barbara Nutt Orroroo Community Homes
Tess Noonan Southern Flinders Health Crystal Brook
Elizabeth Winter Laura Hospital
Anne-Marie Hoskins Port Pirie Hammill House
Cathy Fahey Yorke & Northern Regions

Michelle Foulis
Sue Ferris

General Business
Attendee’s major current concerns were discussed and these included Standard Uniform Procedures; Occupancy Rates; Staffing Ratios. These were discussed and seem to be a common theme across Aged Care Australia wide.

There was general discussion on the ACQA platform and the improvements which are envisaged with the new release.
• Ability to manage Users on site and to have staff able to create and delete users. Ability to reset passwords on site.
• Drop down boxes for the audits so the audit can be used as a summary of the way in which that system is managed and can be presented for Accreditation Agency visits.
• Discussed the new format of the platform and that it will be able to be used form laptops tablets or phones to make access for staff much easier.. The outcomes for improvements will automatically.
• The timetable is a live presentation of the state of the audits. This way if you are managing a number of organisations or just one you are able to see immediately those that are completed, in progress or overdue.
• When the new platform is released there will be education provided into the country areas to reduce the need for travelling for staff. It is envisaged that these may be at Port Augusta, Millicent and Barossa. Members will be notified on the website and through Active platform.

There was discussion on the Indicators that have been set up from the DOHA in conjunction with KPMG. The indicators were considered to be very basic in terms on the information they capture when compared to the information captured by ACQA.

There was discussion on the use of door art to detract wandering residents from entering room Gail advised that she would put the links onto the website.

Steven Charman has met with representatives from Country Health SA to discuss the use of the platform and also ant enhancements that are required. Further discussions are planned with more senior staff in Country Health.

Gail advised that she has recently put a glass fronted fridge into the secure area so that residents are able to wander past and help themselves to high protein finger food as they like. Tis ensure that they are receiving nourishment and allow them to feel that food is not restricted. High Protein biscuit meal supplements are used as well as nourishing milk and high protein treats.

There will be a ACQA Conference which is currently being planned for October or November. Members will be advised through the platform and on the ACQA website.

The meeting closed 3.30 with Gail thanking all those in attendance for their input.

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