Quick reminder our upcoming Network Meeting for Nurioopta SA will be held online through Zoom, on 29/05/20 from 1000 – 1430 with a half hour lunch at 1200.
Network Meetings are a great place to connect, share accreditation experiences, get help and be inspired by other like-minded Aged Care professionals. During the meeting we will look at and discuss the best categories for register spreadsheets, specifically registers for Risk, Consent, and Reportable Issues.
Our Network Meetings are open to all staff from member organisations so be quick to register on our Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/acqa-network-meeting-nuriootpa-sa-registration-86886741583
Please RSVP before 0900 on the day so we can email you with the correct Zoom link. If you need training on how to use Zoom before the meeting, please feel free to contact Gail and she will take you through the programme on the morning before the meeting.
Look forward to seeing you there!